
September 5, 2024

The Re Re Re Brand

Image from

Ok honestly there might even be an additional Re in there…but for real this time. This one’s different. And Idk how often people shoooould rebrand their personal brand and image but this one iiiiiiiis different. (I don’t say that with each rebrand either 😂)

It’s interesting navigating this space as a personal brand, because often times the rebrand is aligned with your own personal growth. My brand will always elevate as I continue to expand in my own image and beliefs. I’m here for it.

If you’re a listener of my podcast “Who You Callin’ Holistic?”, you may have noticed a pause. Now I’ve done a pause here and there but when I had a heart to heart with my boss (also me), she let me know we gotta get our shit together. We need more cohesion, more streamlining-we need to Capricorn this entire operation. The beautiful and messy thing of being a creative individual is the desire and ability to create so many things in so many mediums in so many ways. The real magic is tying them all together to make more of an impact and help more people who need what you are able to share.

We’re shifting collectively and a lot of the old ways are no longer working. It feels like the beat’s changing and I gotta adjust my rhythm so I can stay on beat. Or-actually-it feels like I’m turning the music aaaalllll the way down so I can create my own sound to dance to. That feels better.

What changes? What stays the same?

You may have noticed I’m doing a lot more group healing and in-person events. I’ve been working intentionally on that coming up on a year now. I had my first in-person group Reiki event at Shvaas Spa back in October of last year. I really enjoy doing community events in these various locations. It gives me an opportunity to share my gifts with those who are looking for transformation. I’m currently working on some in-person workshops-both themed and not so themed-I believe we’re ready for a regular occurring something or other too. I also have a retreat happening. I’d like to begin stateside and then take the next one international. I wanna get my footing first, ya know. I’ll still be sharing holistic tips and guidance in all the ways I know how. It’s a part of me and my path.

Overall, my offerings are going through a transition because I’m preparing for everything I asked for.

I have personal goals for my podcast. But as the director, creator, script writer, marketer, etc etc. I’ve had resistance and frustration with it more recently. When I feel friction like that-in whatever activity, I pause. I need to fix the friction. Or allow it to resolve itself in some capacity. I want ease. Even though I looooove this work, when it feels like I’m on a hamster wheel, I need to get tf off and find another way. So now we’re into more automations and strategy. And uuuh-those take way more time than I would like-at the moment anyway.

What’s so different?

*Cue Ginuwine song tangent*

I feel like in the past when I’ve done any branding/rebranding… I didn’t have all the puzzle pieces. I had a kinda sorta but not quite it. Now I’m implementing my studies of Anatomy & Physiology, Reiki, Podcasting, Astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys and really stepping into my most authentic brand. I could get new visuals but I was missing my message. Or I had a slogan but I was missing my brand values. I had content and no strategy. It’s giving peanut butter-no jelly. But I have all those things now. The colors and signature fonts are a nice cherry on top, but I had to get beyond the surface to really step into what resonated for me and what I share.

Now…Do I share the steps publicly or privately*? 🤔 That’s been on my mind. I considered sharing the process to a YouTube series or even Patreon. Maybe a webinar? I just didn’t get my fuck yes response that I wanna have to proceed.

Are you considering a rebrand? Or are you finally branding what you have to offer? Apparently I can help with that now.😂

Check out my offerings and upcoming events here