
September 11, 2024

How Can I Help You?

Curious about how I can help?

My journey on this career path began in 2011 as a massage therapist. (Before that, I worked in healthcare, mostly in registration—an important part of my story.) I worked in the ER and private practice physicians’ offices, which gave me insight into diagnoses and the symptoms related to them. It also opened my eyes to the challenges of our healthcare system. Whew!

Back to the path I knew was meant for me…

I first learned about Reiki when a teacher visited our class to share what it was about. As we hovered our hands over a classmate, I remember distinctly that mine were placed over her stomach (which I now know is our willpower and strength center). Almost immediately, beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. And when it was my turn on the table, you could actually see my heart pounding through my chest. I remember thinking, “I don’t know what this is, but I wanna learn it.” It wasn’t until 2017 that I finally leaned in and took a class.

Reiki allowed me to see that many of my clients’ physical pain was tied to their emotions. They’d be snoring on the table and afterward would say how much better they felt when I added this work to their sessions.

In February 2020, just before the pandemic hit, I became a 10th Generation Certified Reiki Master Teacher. It was also the year I created my podcast, Who You Callin’ Holistic?—during Gemini season, of course.

Let me rewind a bit—you’ll see how my mind works, but it’ll all come together.

In September 2019, while working part-time, I came across a book on Human Design. I took it home, and everything clicked. I had dabbled in astrology, but this tool felt like the instruction manual I’d been looking for. If astrology is the car, Human Design is the roadmap. It helped me embody what I knew deep down and explained why I wasn’t drawn to tarot for answers—I already had them inside. I’m now in year five of my Human Design experiment, having taken several courses with HD coaches, self-studied, and integrated so much of my design. By 2020, I was fully immersed in studying the universe’s puzzle pieces: astrology, medical astrology, Human Design, numerology, moon cycles—you name it, I went woo woo with it. These pieces are crucial; I’ll come back to them.

Alsooo in 2020, a friend gifted me a few microdoses of psilocybin and asked me to share my experience. Soon after, I had my first heroic dose of magic mushrooms with two friends. I already knew we were all connected, but this experience revealed just how deeply. I started sharing these stories on my podcast and social media—despite the occasional side eye.

So here we are… How can I help you?

If you’ve found your way to me, you’re probably in the middle of a shift or coming out on the other side of one. I use all the knowledge and tools I’ve gathered from the experiences I just shared with you (and, of course, a few things I’m not posting in a blog). Whether it’s coaching, healing, or helping you embody what you’ve studied, I teach it because I live it.

And funny enough, I don’t want to be your guru.
An inspiration? Yes.
A guide? Fuck yeah!

But a lot of what I do is simply helping you remember what you already know.

I help you remember who TF you are.